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QRZ Ham Radio Callsign Database - Volume 5.iso
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Date: Thu, 10 Feb 94 11:29:07 PST
From: Info-Hams Mailing List and Newsgroup <info-hams@ucsd.edu>
Errors-To: Info-Hams-Errors@UCSD.Edu
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Precedence: Bulk
Subject: Info-Hams Digest V94 #131
To: Info-Hams
Info-Hams Digest Thu, 10 Feb 94 Volume 94 : Issue 131
Today's Topics:
3Y0PI route (2 msgs)
Dayton room needed
Golf Causes Cancer!
ICOM IC-28 series mods needed
Mac Ham BBS
QSLing via F6FNU
Ramsey FX Transceivers
starting campus radio club faq, need info
Talk America problems
Was:Kenwood TS940 pll-car unlock: now solder joints
WF1B software help
Yaesu FT-5100 <-> MFJ-1270B
Send Replies or notes for publication to: <Info-Hams@UCSD.Edu>
Send subscription requests to: <Info-Hams-REQUEST@UCSD.Edu>
Problems you can't solve otherwise to brian@ucsd.edu.
Archives of past issues of the Info-Hams Digest are available
(by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/info-hams".
We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text
herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official
policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there.
Date: Tue, 8 Feb 1994 18:39:35 GMT
From: netcomsv!netcom.com!slay@decwrl.dec.com
Subject: 3Y0PI route
To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
: > For SSB contacts: QSL to AA6BB; For CW contacts: KA6V
: > This is a husband/wife team at the same address.
: >
: > 93787 Dorsey Ln
: > Junction City, OR 97448
: >
: Do RTTY QSLs go to the same place?
SSB ONLY to AA6BB; CW, Satellite and all other digital to KA6V.
According to Chod VP2ML/WB2CHO in an article in the January/February 1994
issue of his The DX Magazine:
Quote: With a donation of $50 or more, you will receive a copy of WHERE
DO WE GO NEXT? by Martti Laine OH2BH. Unquote.
Lastly, there is this info taken from January 24th issue of the
Ohio/Pennsylvania DX Bulletin (#144):
3Y0PI, PETER I ISLAND DXPEDITION. As the countdown continues for the start
of this DXpedition, here is some important information: KA6V and AA6BB, are
the QSLManagers and they ask that you put "ALL" your cards into the same
envelope or put all your QSO labels into one card. "DO NOT" (repeat DO NOT)
mix VP8BZL and VP8BZL/MM cards with the 3Y0PI cards (send them separately).
Mixing operations in the same envelope will cause a delay in processing
your QSL cards. Include a SASE or SAE and enough to cover at least the
return postage. The 3Y QSLs will be printed in Belgium and have the same
layout as the AH1A and VP8SS I cards (folding type with colored pictures).
There is room for 5 QSO's per 3Y-card. If you have more than 5 QSOs,
more cards will be needed, and the cost of postage will increase
(So, remember send enough to cover this!).
NOTE: There is a DX reflector available on Internet. Simply send your
email request to: DX-request@unbc.edu
The one and ONLY word in the text/message field should be:
Please note that the DX reflector is NOT where you ask for QSL route
information. They are highly discouraged there. QSL route requests are
probably best handled here on rec.radio.amateur.misc
Date: Mon, 7 Feb 1994 20:16:17 GMT
From: netcomsv!netcom.com!slay@decwrl.dec.com
Subject: 3Y0PI route
To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
Brian J. Pennebaker (bjp@icd.ab.com) wrote:
: Made my contact on Saturday and would like to know where to send my
: QSL card to. Please E-Mail me at the this address.
For SSB contacts: QSL to AA6BB; For CW contacts: KA6V
This is a husband/wife team at the same address.
93787 Dorsey Ln
Junction City, OR 97448
Be sure to send your QSLs and SASEs in separate envelopes for the SSB and
CW contacts. You may also want to be generous with a donation of a
dollar or two (or more) since this DXpedition is costing a HUGE amount of
money to put on.
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 1994 15:40:45 GMT
From: agate!howland.reston.ans.net!gatech!ee.gatech.edu!gauss.eedsp.gatech.edu!tucker@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: Dayton room needed
To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
A group of students from Georgia Tech is looking for a hotel room
in Dayton for the Dayton Hamvention. I know that sometimes people
have extra rooms because plans change, etc. If you have a room in
Dayton for that weekend, please let me know.
We would prefer to stay at Stouffer's. (I can hear the laughter
now.) I know it's a long shot, but if you or anyone you know
has an extra Stouffer's room, please let me know. Our club does
a fair amount of contesting and we'd like to meet some of the people
we talk to regularly.
Thanks for the help.
73 de Jeff, N9HZQ
Jeff Tucker ()< N9HZQ
tucker@eedsp.gatech.edu Graduate Student, Electrical Engineering
W4AQL Contest Team Georgia Institute of Technology
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 1994 02:10:14 GMT
From: ucsnews!sol.ctr.columbia.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!vixen.cso.uiuc.edu!sdd.hp.com!col.hp.com!srgenprp!alanb@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: Golf Causes Cancer!
To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
I heard a report on the (radio) network news last night to the effect
that the national association of golf course managers funded a study
to investigate the death rates of golf course managers. The study
found that golf course managers have death rates from several kinds
of cancer that are significantly higher than the national norm. The
study tabulated cause of death from death certificates.
Sounds exactly like the famous Milham study of amateur radio operators
which implied that exposure to RF radiation causes cancer. I wonder
what the cause is for the golf course managers: too much fresh air?
Date: 7 Feb 1994 14:35:37 GMT
From: pacbell.com!sgiblab!swrinde!hopper.acm.org!ACM.ORG!SMITHSON@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: ICE
To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
HI Gary!
Thanks for the response to my usenet posting about lightning arrestors. Here's
the ICE info as you requested:
Industrial Communications Engineers, LTD
PO Box 18495
Indianapolis, IN 46218-0495
I'd be interested to learn what you think if you decide to compare them to
your PolyPhaser gear.
-Brian N8WRL
Date: 7 Feb 1994 14:44:59 GMT
From: pacbell.com!sgiblab!swrinde!cs.utexas.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!paladin.american.edu!constellation!skaggs@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: ICOM IC-28 series mods needed
To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
I'm looking for any or all mods for the IC-28 series. If you have them or
can point me to the appropriate server, thanks.
Gary Skaggs - WB5ULK skaggs@nssl.nssl.uoknor.edu
"Neither my employer, The University of Oklahoma,
nor The National Severe Storms Laboratory, where I work,
know that I even have any opinion, much less this one."
Date: 10 Feb 94 15:53:59 GMT
From: news.cs.indiana.edu!paulot%cais.com@RUTGERS.EDU
Subject: Mac Ham BBS
To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
Hello everyone,I'm posting this message to all Amateur Radio ops that use
Mac's for this hobby.I have currently a BBS in Washington,DC that is
trying to come up with a solution for Mac files for the ham community.
The BBS is available 24 hours a day at 202-393-0502,running Hermes II
software,on a 2400 bd modem.Soon we will have higher speed acess.
We have a good selection of ham files as well more traditional shareware
aplications for the Macintosh.Give it a try!
Thanks for readin this message.
73's de Paulo,N3MGA
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 1994 18:51:06 GMT
From: library.ucla.edu!csulb.edu!nic-nac.CSU.net!usc!howland.reston.ans.net!vixen.cso.uiuc.edu!sdd.hp.com!col.hp.com!fc.hp.com!jayk@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: QSLing via F6FNU
To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
: The SAE/US$2/no IRC/no buro is hard and fast with him, though.
: Scott WO1G
Except for the time I sent him four IRCs and he sent back a card.
Just lucky I guess....
73, Jay K0GU
Date: 10 Feb 94 19:11:28 GMT
From: news-mail-gateway@ucsd.edu
Subject: Ramsey FX Transceivers
To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
Text item: Text_1
>If anyone has or knows of a fix for the transmitter, I'd love to
>implement it. Dave Duchesneau KD6LSA
Dave, the fix was documented in the QST review article. It is
trivial... just adding a couple of caps... a 0.001uF from TP3 to gnd
and a 10pF across L12 after stretching L12 to about 1/2 inch. I am
amazed that any FX owner hasn't heard about it by now.
73, Cecil, KG7BK (I do not speak for Intel on Internet)
Date: Tue, 8 Feb 1994 10:00:47 GMT
From: nntp.ucsb.edu!library.ucla.edu!agate!howland.reston.ans.net!vixen.cso.uiuc.edu!sdd.hp.com!saimiri.primate.wisc.edu!hpg30a.csc.cuhk.hk!hkuxb.hku.hk!h8821863@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: starting campus radio club faq, need info
To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
I am interested about the info. you collected. Please post or email
a summary after you have got enough info.
Good Luck for your faq.
Antony Ho, lkho@hkueee.hku.hk
Date: Mon, 7 Feb 1994 14:06:17 GMT
From: netcomsv!netcom.com!wy1z@decwrl.dec.com
Subject: Talk America problems
To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
I would like to get some feedback on your feelings about the Talk America
radio network.
The three shows I've been listening to for a while now are:
Computer Exchange Radio
Modem Mania
Ham Radio and More
I've been listing to these three shows for a couple of months now, and it
seems the same technical glitches keep resurfacing. These problems are
not on the shows' end - they are on Talk America's end.
You'd think they would have cleaned up their act by now.
I still listen to the shows, but the bugs keep annoying me.
I think Modem Mania has the most technical glitches of the three.
Your input is welcome.
| Scott Ehrlich Internet: wy1z@neu.edu BITNET: wy1z@NUHUB |
| Amateur Radio: wy1z AX.25: wy1z@k1ugm.ma.usa.na |
| Maintainer of the Boston Amateur Radio Club hamradio FTP area on |
| the World - world.std.com pub/hamradio |
Date: 10 Feb 94 17:55:22 GMT
From: news-mail-gateway@ucsd.edu
Subject: Was:Kenwood TS940 pll-car unlock: now solder joints
To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
A comment was made earlier about finding a hairline crack in component lead
solder joints.
Well recently I've been plagued by such critters and have now developed a
penchant for finding them when I have an intermittant problem. My two most
recent experiences have involved the following: A pull-out radio and a fuel
control relay.
The radio is one of those that is removed from the dash when exiting the
vehicle and re-inserted upon return. The action of removing and inserting
flexed the circuit board sufficiently after a period of time to break every
solder joint associated with the stereo output power IC's and all power
connections. There must have been at least 30 connections that had broken.
Each connection became surrounded by a hairline crack that was visible only
under a microscope and bright light. Re-soldering solved the problem
temporarily, but some conections had to be bridged with wire to provide
additional strength.
The fuel control relay suffered a similar hairline crack around the solder
joints for the relay contacts due to the cycling of the heavy contacts. In
this application it was necesary to backup the solder joint with a wire bridge
since solder has no strength and was doomed to fail again.
Hugh, W6WTU
Date: 7 Feb 1994 08:37:38 -0600
From: pacbell.com!sgiblab!swrinde!cs.utexas.edu!not-for-mail@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: WF1B software help
To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
anyone know the best way to use the WF1B software for the upcoming EA
RTTY contest.. scoring and stuff are a bit different.
Jeff, AC4HF
Date: 9 Feb 1994 13:03:05 GMT
From: solaris.cc.vt.edu!mousetrap.es.vt.edu!plymale@uunet.uu.net
Subject: Yaesu FT-5100 <-> MFJ-1270B
To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
My original posting of this question contained header errors
which may have affected people's efforts to respond...So one
more time...
I'm trying to interface a Yaesu FT-5100 to a MFJ-1270B TNC via
the 5100's DATA IN/OUT jack. I constructed a connector based on
the instructions in the 5100 manual. The problem is that the
transmit audio level out of the TNC is way too low. Adjusting
trimpot R76 during the 1270B recalibration procedure does not help.
Any suggestions from those who have this connection working are
Bill - KD4CIY
Bill Plymale plymale@mousetrap.es.vt.edu 703-231-9530
Virginia Tech (Enrollment Services Information Systems)
Date: 7 Feb 1994 14:23:58 GMT
From: pacbell.com!sgiblab!swrinde!cs.utexas.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!agate!news.Brown.EDU!NewsWatcher!user@network.ucsd.edu
To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
References <Anthony_Pelliccio-020294104608@>, <2itt8qINN3q@cronkite.Central.Sun.COM>, <CKpy6n.4F7@news.direct.net>er
Subject : Re: "Flexible" 9913 (Was - Re: Coaxial cable)
In article <CKpy6n.4F7@news.direct.net>, kg7bk@indirect.com (Cecil Moore)
> Steve Bunis SE Southwest Chicago (doc@webrider.central.sun.com) wrote:
> : > Some other things to keep in mind about 9913. Remember that you'll need
> : > special UHF N connectors if you plan on using the cable for UHF
> : > applications.
> : Also, regarding the N connectors, at what point do they start making
> : a discernible difference? I thought that NMO was supposed to do well
> : at least past the 70cm. band. -- Steve Bunis
> My dual-band 2x4MAX Comet has an so239 connector on it. Just how bad
> is a pl259 connection on UHF? Should I use an N to so239 adapter? I
> use 9913 on HF with pl259s and some copper tape.
> thanks, Cecil, kg7bk@indirect.com
Actually, most equipment for dual-band use is sold with so-239 and pl-259
connectors. The loss isn't that much so you'd actually notice it. You'll
find N used in applications where every bit of loss counts like repeaters
== Anthony_Pelliccio@Brown.edu (Tony Pelliccio, KD1NR)
== Brown University Alumni & Development Computing Services
== Box 1908, Providence, RI 02912 Tel. (401) 863-1880
== I speak for myself, and not for Brown University. Remember that!
Date: Mon, 7 Feb 1994 19:25:57 GMT
From: netcomsv!netcom.com!greg@decwrl.dec.com
To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
References <1994Jan28.171743.483@arrl.org>, <gregCKI0zw.Kuo@netcom.com>, <1994Feb4.144026.7005@arrl.org>om.
In article <1994Feb4.144026.7005@arrl.org> ehare@arrl.org (Ed Hare (KA1CV)) writes:
>Greg Bullough (greg@netcom.com) wrote:
>: In article <1994Jan28.171743.483@arrl.org> ehare@arrl.org
>(Ed Hare (KA1CV)) writes:
>: >For starters, I am not sure that few ever build projects from
>: >magazines.
>: Why? Haven't you polled your readers, in order to make intelligent
>: editorial decisions? Haven't you asked 'if not, why not?' '73' has
>: an article-by article reader feedback form, every issue. If you
>: don't have the information, you really aren't in much of a position
>: to either support or refute my assertion, are you?
>As a matter of fact we have. Please see Jon Bloom's follow-up post
>for information. You really do detract a lot from your effectiveness
>by shooting from the hip with erroneous information.
Read your own quote. You said that you didn't know. Apparently you
*did* know. If you give out false information, then it would seem
somewhat disingenuous of you to make accusations based on the response,
would it not?
>: >Some of the authors that have offered a kit have reported
>: >large sales
>: And god bless 'em if they do, for they are the ones who recognize
>: that parts procurement is 90% of the problem and 200% of the
>: expense of home-brewing. Someone who take the time to write an article,
>: and then offer a kit, with no intention of profiting by either is,
>: IMHO, entitled to some sort of sainthood.
>Perhaps so, but I don't have the least amount of problem with an
>author making a profit for writing an article and marketing his
>design, either.
Nor do I. However I think it unlikely that anyone will EVER get
rich by writing construction articles for QST. Unless they can
build a full-function HF transceiver for $100 :-)
> Our editorial policy is not driven by the
>author's profit level, or the amount a company advertises with
>us. But profit is not a bad word; I am sure that you expect to profit
>from your work; there is no reason someone else can't profit from
>theirs. There is a big difference between profit and profiteering.
Again, you seem to be responding to something which was un-said.
Why so defensive?
>I will not take your suggestion that we don't understand the real
>world as an insult,
Methinks you protest too much. Clearly you are responding as if you'd been
insulted, and your attribution...
> ...although it looks like you meant it that way.
...of intent indicates that you are once again projecting something un-said.
>You clearly don't have any personal knowledge of what any of
>us understand and which ones of us have our feet firmly planted
>on the ground and which have our heads in the clouds. I am forever
>amazed how some can see a problem, imagine what *must* be the
>only cause, and offer it to the world as gospel truth.
I have been reading QST (in current issues) since 1973. In back-issues,
since 1960. Is it still the official journal of the ARRL? Was it then?
I think I'm in a fairly good position to judge, as an 'average ham,'
just how in- or out-of-sync the League has been over the years.
>Greg, I just can't imagine how you could miss the ways the ARRL does
>do exactly what you are saying we NEED to do.
I'm sure you believe what you say.
> ...I don't know why you would make some of the
>unfounded claims about us that you do, but I won't make something
>up and offer it to rram readers as the reason.
Perhaps if you were, again, more in touch with the reality of it,
as opposed to the rarified atmosphere of ARRL HQ, of being a
staffer, and of the Field Organization, you would see the world
differently. But that won't happen. You've labeled it all as 'unfounded
claims,' so I guess you are safe in the Shrine of St. Hiram.
>After QST, we have books designed to help the ham get on the air and
>get started, ranging from the information in Now You're Talking,
>to our Companion series to the Operating Manual to some of the
>stuff in the ARRL Handbook. Sure, we actually sell the stuff, but
>if you compare the costs of our books to the technical books
>for sale in a "real-world" bookstore, you will see that, though
>we may be generating some revenue, we are not profiteering by
>any stretch of the imagination.
Ed, it is virtually impossible to have a rational discussion with someone
who persists in placing words like 'profiteering' in my mouth. It is
really offensive, and I wish you'd stop doing it. I am baffled as to
why you would think I've accused the League of 'profiteering.' The
ARRL is not out for profit. It is out to control Amateur Radio.
>: The no-code ticket was instituted to reduce discouragement. The
>: League fought it tooth-and-nail, until it was clear that the League
>: had lost.
>Where did this one come from? It just kinda' jumped out.
It demonstrates that the League is truly out of step, historically, with
the population which counts.... ....the sum of the sets EXISTING
radio amateurs and POTENTIAL radio amateurs.
>We were not the first on the bandwagon;
Now *there's* the understatement of the year!
>It was a tough call, and I can't speak with great authority about
>every detail. But I can tell you that it was not as simple as fighting
>until we lost.
I'm sure you believe this.
>No, I was correct; it is determined about our perceptions of what
>hams WANT to see. Imagining nefarious motives for our Directors
>doesn't make them so. And, point of order, the Board specifically
>does NOT influence editorial content; that is determined by the
Uh huh. Isn't QST the 'official journal?' I don't recall ever seeing
a viewpoint which opposed the board presented. I don't really ever
recall a balanced presentation of an issue. What I do recall are
presentations of and justifications of the Board's position. Again,
I think it is a bit disningenuous to claim that QST is in any way
editorially independent of the Board. That, from my reading of some 30
years worth of QST, just won't fly.
>In summary, Greg, I suggest that you learn more about the ARRL before
>you rip us to pieces.
Yeah, I guess I'm just one of the rabble who doesn't know nuthin' 'bout
it. Never mind my membership. I'm apparently one of the 'them' to your
'us' 'cuz I dare to suggest that there might be REASON why there is
no clear majority of hams as members.
Gee, maybe I ought to call HQ and tell 'em to forget that 3-year renewal
I just sent in (thought about a lifer, but couldn't find the info anywhere).
After all, Ed, you've convinced me that there's NO WAY I'll ever be
competant to vote.
> There is enough real things to call us to task
>for; pulling things out of a hat
Are you looking for a list?
> will usually result in you embarassing
>yourself, as you have done here.
Funny, Ed. I don't feel embarassed. After all, I stated my position, and
I stand by it. I wasn't the one arguing about points that the other guy
didn't make.
> But we need dissenters who
>are willing to work at it,
As a member, I prefer *my* ARRL staff to refrain from labeling me
either 'dissenter,' or 'supporter.'
>and pointing out better ways. We have a few on this forum, and
>I count some of them as friends. But those who jump to fast conclusions
>with little facts and less thought are not useful; they just take up
>our time and confuse the issues.
Oh. I see. Not only do I not know what I'm talking about, I'm 'not
useful.' I lack facts (apparently because I disagree with your
'world view') and I don't think.
And I'm wasting 'your' time.
Well, I guess it's better than the 'You Are the ARRL' lecture.
I'll send the membership kit back by return post.
End of Info-Hams Digest V94 #131